"Catechesis is the echo of the Word of God … to transmit the joy of the Gospel in life." (Pope Francis, 2021)
Religious Education begins at home! The Catholic Church teaches that parents are most responsible for a child’s religious education… which does not mean that we all need degrees in theology! Rather, this education happens through our example, which is our "echo of the Word of God."
Ask yourself: Is our Catholic faith central to who we are as a family, or is it just one of many activities equal or less important than sports, academics, careers or other priorities? For better or worse, the choices we make as we order our family’s lives directly impact the faith foundation we build for our children. They either learn that God is irrelevant in their everyday lives OR that He provides purpose, joy, hope, solace, peace and everlasting life.
How can we teach our children that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life?
Cultivate your own relationship with God... and pass it on! Pray often, read scripture, sit before the Blessed Sacrament, serve others and celebrate Church feasts and seasons at home. Talk often about God and moral choices. Dig deeper through good Catholic books, podcasts, videos, music and movies (many can be found on FORMED.ORG, free for all parishioners).
Bring your family to Mass every week -- and confession regularly -- and get involved in parish activities. Remember, it is a serious sin to intentionally miss Sunday Mass, where Christ literally gives us His very self in the Holy Eucharist. If you are away, check www.masstimes.org to find a local parish.
And of course, bring them to Religious Education classes every year. This more formal study of faith concepts, doctrine, Church history, scripture, etc. is a necessary complement to how you live your faith at home.
We are here to walk with families, and to help parents pass on this amazing gift of our Catholic faith. Should you have any concerns, please reach out to us.